Friday, May 30, 2008

Getting ready for some fun in the sun!

Addie and her Daddy getting ready for a swing!

Tim, Addie, and I have been extremely busy trying to prepare for our vacation the past couple of days. Besides the picture of Sally licking the high chair, I haven't even had a chance to take any pictures. I have a research proposal and a final exam tomorrow before we head to the outer banks, so as excited as I am to leave, I am not looking forward to the morning I have to go through to get there! The paper is done besides a report cover that I need to buy today, and I have studied everything I have in my notes, which is not much, so.......I guess I will have to wait until class tonight to figure out what else I can expect for the exam. YIKES!!! Oh well, I keep reminding myself that a "B" is a great grade too......but when you know you can do better, a "B" can drive you crazy! Im just glad the class will be over and I can go on our vacation without having to worry about anything! We are very excited to get there. Tim spent an hour on the computer last night searching restaurants and their menus (as if we can afford to go out!). He is so cute.....he printed them all out and left them in a pile on the desk. I was wondering what he was doing when I went to bed. I'm not sure when I will get to post again. I am not taking a computer, for that very reason. I NEED A BREAK! I promise to take lots of pictures and have many interesting stories to go along with them when I get back. Keep our family and the Maynors in your prayers as we travel! Love to you all.............

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