Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Slowly feeling better......

She is absolutely in love with her swing! This was taken right around Easter when she was 8 months old!

Today has been a better day for Addie. She still has a little cough and her nose is still pretty stopped up, but not as green as yesterday, so I take that as a sign towards recovery. Just to be on the safe side, I called the Doc this morning and she told me to let it run its course, just keep plunging and wiping away at that little nose of hers. Atleast she is sleeping better today and she is in a really good mood. I let her play at my feet in the kitchen today for the first time. You see, when you have a baby that can't crawl, they do not get to investigate places like kitchen cabinets and shelves. So....she was entertained the whole time I prepared dinner. She played with tupperware, Tim's bananas (sorry, honey.....they are still edible!) and the free sample canisters of formula I keep on a shelf near the ground. She had a blast, wore herself out and is now snoozing away in her crib with a crusty nose and dirty feet (my floor is not as clean as I thought!). Now, if I can just bring myself to work on my paper that is due next weekend, we would actually have a very productive day!
By the way, my mom is going to let me borrow her camera for a while. She just can't stand the thought of me not taking daily pictures of her little munchkin!

1 comment:

livingsj77 said...

Carrie, you should try some of the little noses saline helps clear them out. I always use it on Ainsley before bed when she's stuffed up. Don't get the one with the aspirator though, it's crap and I think more expensive. The hospital one is the best. Also, a humidifier helps and propping her mattress a bit. I just put a blanket under the crib to prop up Ainsley's head. Also, you can try some children's benadryl to help with the runny nose. Can you tell that I've been through this a lot?!?!?! Day care...what a joy.