Monday, May 12, 2008

Mommy training......

I always thought that God gave me Sally, our little girl dog, to get me ready for motherhood. I have always been a HUGE wimp when it comes to getting sick, a.k.a throwing up. I hate it....not that anyone likes it at all, but I will actually lay there for hours feeling horrible and nauseous, just to avoid having to get sick, and when I do eventually have to get sick, I cry the whole time. Even now, at almost thirty, I bawl like a big baby. So, Sally, I thought was my way to learn to get used to the whole thing, since babies do a lot of that. Sally has the world's weakest stomach. If she eats just the smallest bite of something other than her dog food, she gets an upset belly. I have spent many precious moments of the last 5 1/2 years cleaning up after a sick Sally. (The one that sticks out the most in my mind was the time she ate TWO whole sticks of butter I had sitting on the about gross!!!! ) Anyways, you would think that by now, I would be used to it. However, I still have to remind myself not to toss the poor child off of my lap, or run out of the room whenever she gets sick. Its horrible I know.....I am horrible! I have not, I promise, tossed her off of my lap yet. I just close my eyes tightly and hope that it is over soon. The reason that I am telling this story is because that is exactly what I have been dealing with lately. She is just starting some finger foods, so we have been choked a couple of times so far, and that is usually followed by her getting sick, wherever she is. Heck, she will even throw up if I put something in her mouth that she does not like. I thought for sure that my mommy training with Sally would help me through this stage, but I am still having some major issues with "barf"! I know....I will only get worse as she gets older. I hope Tim is ready for all of that........
( I apologize if my post was a bit vulgar today, but really folks, this is my life!)


livingsj77 said...

Hahaha, Carrie, I'm so glad you weren't at my house last week. Ainsley's antibiotic did not settle well with her stomach and she threw up at least once every single night. I changed sheets more last week then I have done in the whole last year.

Thanks for your supportive comment about Ainsley's sleeping. That probably is part of our problem, we are always out of town, at least 2 weekends a month...and we've cut back. I just don't know how to limit it any more than that. We just don't have family around. I will keep trying.

Can't wait to see you guys next weekend.

Emily Suzann said...

lol Carrie, that is too funny. I don't blame you on the throwing up thing. We are dealing with horrible "teething" stomach upset this week. This will be teeth 9 and 10 but so far the worst! btw, thanks for the Happy Mother's Day "shout out"! This techinally wasn't my first ever (only first with Claire) I have two other "babies". Madeline is 12 yrs and Brady is 10 yrs. Quite a stretch, I know! LOL