Sunday, May 11, 2008

Tim and Carrie's "Date Night"......

The picture above was on the front of the homemade card I found on the counter this morning after Tim left for work. Im sure it will be one of many I stash away and occasionally pull out over the years as she grows older. Tim is so creative and knows just how to make me smile big!

Yesterday was a big day for us in the Hewitt household. It was Addie's first sleep over at her Mamaw's. Tim and I attended a wedding of a friend of mine here locally, and Addie went over to my mom and Dave's house around 3:00 yesterday afternoon. I must have called to check on her a billion times, but each time, mom would say that she was doing great! Around 9:30, I called and she was sound asleep in her little room, as scheduled! Of course, as soon as I woke up and realized I had no little voice in the back ground babbling away, I called to see how their night was.......and guess what? She hadn't made a peep all night! I guess Mamaw and Grandpa Dave just wore her out, because she slept the whole night and woke up happy! Tim and I had a really nice time out together. It was nice to get dressed up and have something to do, somewhere to be (we don't get out much anymore). Tim looked handsome as ever and I, of course, enjoyed the food! I could spend a little quiet time this morning, maybe even get my house cleaned without a little girl at my feet, but......Its Mother's Day......and I miss her........and I'll just clean later! Off to Mamaws!

1 comment:

ErinRagan said...

Aren't date nights the best?!?! I'm so glad you guys got out and had some time away from dear Addie... as precious as she is, time away is important! :)

Love the pics. Tim is too funny!!

Happy Mother's Day (again, lol), Carrie!