Saturday, April 19, 2008

Post # 3 on our new Blog! Do you think I will keep it up?

Hi everyone! I have been in class all weekend so I missed yesterday's blog. Up until I left for class, things were pretty quiet around here. Tim and Addie and I took our free Chick-fil-a Coupons and headed out for a nice family breakfast at our new local Chick-fil-a. That was fun!
Today has been a busy day, however! I am a yard-sale, treasure-findin fool! My mother-in-law has got me hooked and she has trained me pretty well too! I scooped mom up before my class this morning at 7:15 and had a full hour and a half of treasure huntin! I am totally addicted to toys, and the problem is, I buy things that Addie will not even come close to playing with for atleast another year or so....I just can't pass up a deal! Today, in that short amount of time, I found a chalkboard (6$), a rather large dollhouse with furniture and all (3$), a Little Tykes table and Chairs (8$) and a bunch of smaller things that mom took to her house for Addie to play with there. We only spent about 30$, and we got SO MANY TOYS! I have already Lysoled them all down and given them a good scrubbin.....They look brand new! I can't wait to go next week!
I went to class after that and got out early, and Tim and I even managed to get an hour of Kayaking in while Addie played at Mamaw's! We havent done that together in over a year and a half, was really fun! WHEW.....what a day! I hope Addie is having a good time!


ErinRagan said...

WOW! you found lots of good stuff yardsaling! I've been keeping my eyes open for good yard sales around here... and haven't seen anything spectacular yet, although I know it's still early!

It would probably help if I left my house a little more, too. lol

Glad you and Tim had some Addie-less fun! :)

Granny aka Memaw said...

Hey, I love reading your "Blog" and the pictures are precious.
Hope you dear ones are having a good week.
Linda, Stephanie and Children were here today. We may go shopping tomorrow at the outlet -mall.Love, ya, Memaw.