Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hayes meets Matt

Good friends Anna and Matt came to visit us this past Saturday night. We rarely have overnight company. My Dad, Julie, Memaw, and Matt and Anna are our only regulars, and we love to have them here! Hayes was especially enamored with Matt. He thought he was the coolest. No kidding, he couldn't get enough of him. It was really very cute. Matt will make a great Daddy one of these days. For now, he can have Hayes whenever he wants. Thanks guys for making time for us, and for entertaining our little man!

The whole night made us realize two things. We need to make more time for us, either alone or with friend, but definitely kid-free time. We also need to try and find more time to spend with just Hayes. He soaked up all of that attention, and really deserves some more one-on-one time. Now...where to find all this time?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He's getting big!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell Matt I'm jealous.