Today we had a house full of visitors, and the day seemed to fly by. First off, my friend, Shanna, and her little boy, Grayson, came for a visit Monday and spent the night with us. Grayson is 10 months old and walking around everywhere!!! He is absolutely adorable......makes me want a little mama's boy! I also volunteered to help my high school friend out and watch her two little boys today. Lucas and Tyler were here around 8:00 am and just left at 5:30! They are full of evergy, but very good boys! My neice's, Skylar and Lakyne, also came by with their mother to deliver some cute little hand-me-downs for Addie. AND......a teacher friend of mine and her two girls stopped by to borrow all of my maternity clothes. She is pregnant with TWINS!!!!! YIKES!!!! Her girls are 6 and 7 years old and now she is going to have two more! Bless her little heart. So....our house was pretty busy for most of the day, but with a little help from Shanna and my mom, we survived! I never did get to work on my paper, so the next three nights are crucial if I want to really be able to relax on our upcoming getaway to SC! Wish me luck!

Addie and Grayson .......

Thought I would try and get a picture of all of them playing "together".......

And...a cute little picture of Grayson eating the Strawberry Shortcake Beach Ball!!!
Addie is really getting good at pulling up and today she was able to walk around an ottoman we have while holding on of course! I know we are just days away from seeing her at least stand on her own, maybe even walk!
1 comment:
wow you are one busy momma! That is great that Shanna and Grayson came to visit, I bet it was a hoot watching Addie and him play, along with all of the other kids of course ;) Go Addie with the big girl steps, it is coming so you better watch out!!! Hope that you gilrs have a great day and you better get to work on that paper!!!
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