Tim brought the camera along on some of his adventures this weekend, and he got some great shots! Addie is all ready to head to the park for a swing with Daddy. He always makes sure she has plenty of random items to play with in the car. She likes his truck because she can see out the front window really well. She is still facing backwards in my car for the time being. We think she will sleep better for our trip to SC that way......

Tim also visited with the Powell's yesterday. Sharon has been Tim's best girlfriend since high school. They remain pretty close and only live a few streets away with Jenna, their little girl, and a little boy on the way. We have watched Jenna grow over the past several years and she is just the sweetest little thing....and so beautiful too.....I am sure Addie and Jenna will make some memories together here soon......

Justin, Sharon, and Jenna........

So....overall, Tim's "Addie and Daddy" weekend went pretty well. Ga Ga came over for few hours yesterday and played with Addie while he mowed the grass and did some chores around the house. I have another big paper due the last weekend of class that I have to get done this week before we head to SC to visit my Dad and Julie, so I will be working very hard starting today!
Tim did a great job as photographer (and Dad!) this weekend! Love the pics.
I wanna go to SC! wahhhhhhh!
Well, pack em up and come on down......wouldnt THAT be fun!!!! I would love it....
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