Today is Thursday....that means laundry day in my house-yuck! It also means that I only have two days to finish up my case study paper and presentation before it is due on Saturday. I have class this weekend, the last one for this particular course----YEAH! Tim also has his big Fantasy Football weekend in Richmond. Apparently, 30 guys get hotel rooms joined by a big, expensive suite, paid for by one of they guys companies, and they all hide in the rooms playing "imaginary football draft"...........well, thats my version of it anyways. Im just excited he gets to see so many friends at one time. He hardly ever gets to be with his friends. Addie will be spending some quality time with grandparents. She has a 5th tooth coming in on the bottom and she was a BEAR all day yesterday. At one point, I took a highlighter away from her because she had taken the top off and put it in her mouth, and she got all red-faced, growled, and then proceeded to slap my face!!! I was appalled! I grabbed her little wrists to keep her from hitting me again, said "NO" very loudly, and walked away from her. She really lost it then....I had to remind her to breathe!!! Yikes! What have we created?
The pic on the boat is hilarious! She looks soo long!
Claire has learned to throw a fit too. What will we do with our fiesty little princesses? lol
Good luck your case study and presentation! :)
Thanks Emily! I was thinking about you the other day....how's that bottle weaning going? Not too good here......she loves her bottle!
We took Damon out on his Papaw's boat when he was about half Addie's age, and he slept like a ROCK as long as that boat was moving! It was like magic!!
Damon hit me once in the midst of one of his temper tantrums. ONCE. Darn kids. Who do they think they are, anyway?? ;)
Good luck, Carrie (with school and that cutie pie daughter of yours)!
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