This weekend Addie got to play with all of my friends little kids while we had the baby shower for one of my college roomates, Shannon. She loves to watch all of the kids run around, but still shows no interest in getting up and following them around. Will she ever walk?

This is a favorite picture of mine. All of these girls lived on my sorority hall with me and Jaime (second Mommy) and Shanna (last Mommy) actually lived with me on the hall in a triple suite. We had lots of fun times in that room. It is still so surreal to think that we now are all Mommies together. All of these girls are so special to me and I miss them so much these days.

I have more pictures and stories to share from the weekend and will share them with you over the next couple of days.
Addie is feeling better today and even slept through the night last night! It is so amazing what a little rest does to your peace of mind! I have had a lot of fun with her today. She has romped around the play room with me, read a gazillion books, snacked on yummy fruit treats, and been especially loving since she has finally started to feel better. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers!
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