A few weeks ago Tim's fraternity brother and his wife came over with their little angel, Emily, to hang out and let the girls play for a couple of hours. Tim and I rarely get to do this with friends anymore, partly because most of them live too far away or they dont have children themselves and find standing around watching Addie play rather boring (we happen to love doing that!) Anyways, the girls played really well together, and we grown-ups had a great time just relaxing and getting the chance to catch up. It was an early night for all so that both girls stayed on thier routines, but just the perfect way to spend some time with good company. We wish we could do it more often. Thanks Ben and Abby for coming all the way out here to see us!
Addie is feeling much better and goes to see the doctor this afternoon to make sure things are starting to clear up normally. I have class this weekend, so today marks the beginning of "Daddy and Addie" weekend. I know Tim is really looking forward to it!
It's also Grayson and Lucas's first birthdays this weekend! These are the little boys of two of my close friends/sorority sisters from college. Happy Birthday Boys.....Heather and Shanna, congratulations...you too survived a long, but wonderful year!
Hey girl, this weekend I can't hang out. My bf is drivin his van up and hes stayin with his mom so I'm gonna prob see him over there and I can't make any other commitments cause I'll prob not be able to make it if you know what i mean.
Im sorry, I'm not too sure that you and I know each other "teacha". Could you refresh my memory?
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