Introducing Sally.....for those of you have not had the opportunity to meet my dog yet. She is CRAZY! I guess you could call her high strung...perfect fit for me huh? Well, I inherited Sally from the hills of West VA when she showed up on my Aunt's property looking for someone to love her. And I fell hard....Sally was my very best friend when I lived alone in the condo before I met Tim, and she has come to be a big part of our lives together now. Tim loves her too, although he won't admit it. Sally has issues....lots of issues. She hates storms, shakes at the sound of hiccups or nail clippers, refuses to let you bathe her, insane over bunny rabbits, and goes looney when you leave her alone or try and lock her up somewhere. Mini blinds do not survive in my house and wood trimming and stair rails suffer a beating too. Here lately Sally has learned to open doors herself....big doors, like our big, metal front door. She uses her mouth like a hand to turn the knob and then opens the storm door by pushing on the lever with her feet. She does this alot, but usually just makes it out on the front porch and waits till someone lets her back in.....Last night was different.....

See that red collar around her neck? THat is a shock collar that goes to our invisible fence that we had to put in our yard in addition to the fence we already have because she is CRAZY. Well, that collar lost the prongs that actually shock her, but she didnt know that so she was still scared to go near the fence. When she came in covered in mud yesterday, I took the red collar off because it was doing no good anyways. I knew that Tim and I planned to get a new one as soon as we got the chance to leave the house. Well, around 7:30 last night, I began giving Addie a breathing treatment, and I heard crazy Sally open the front door. I cannot stop in the middle of the treatment or I will lose the medicine, so I just finished up and then went out to look for her. It was only about 10 minutes. When I went outside, she was nowhere to be found. We looked for atleast an hour. Poor Tim searched and searched for me. Around 9:00, I decided to just go to bed, clutching my cell and of course, like the drama queen I am, bawling my eyes out. I just knew I had lost her. Then around 3:00 am, something woke me up. I thought I heard barking in the distance. I ran downstairs and out the back door not knowing why, but just running as fast as I could. Around the corner of the house came muddy, tired, shaky, CRAZY, Sally! I was so happy to see her. I couldn't even get mad. What a relief! I guess CRAZY Sally is smarter than we think and knew that she didnt have that collar on anymore. She wasn't scared to hop off that porch anymore! Addie and I went to Home Depot this morning and bought a new collar. I will never leave the doors of this house unlocked again! So, as you can imagine, my week has not been the greatest! Im just glad she is home safe and sound.
As promised, here are a couple pictures of Addie and the other babies that were at the shower last weekend. This is Shanna's little boy, Grayson, and he is so handsome and sweet! Makes me want a little mama's boy......

And here is Addie and Ainsley about to give each other a kiss kiss! Now, that is just adorable! They are so cute together...

Well, I better get off this computer and check on my CRAZY dog!