I learned with Addie that children grow and change so quickly the first two years. It is simply amazing to look back and see the difference a year can make. They both have changed so much since this time last year. Addie not only looks taller and leaner, but she acts much different. Just this morning as she climbed up in my bed asking for a pop-tart, I was reminded how grown-up she acts these days. She is a little girl...hardly the little toddler she was last year gathering easter eggs. Hayes is starting to jibber jabber more and more and has become Mr. Personality around our house. He is sweet and sensitive, sneaky and lovable. He is needy and fearless all at the same time. To me, he barely resembles the toothless, bald little baby in the pictures above. People tell me everyday to "cherish every moment because it flies by so fast". I understand exactly what that means.
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