Friday, February 26, 2010
Hayes just goes with the flow!
He's pretty much up for anything.....
even if it does involve a very big High Chair and a toy he can't reach or play with due the annoying socks on his little hands..
and even though he wasn't thrilled with the taste of the mushy, cold rice cereal his mommy kept forcing on top of his little tongue, he gave it a shot...
and he didn't complain...
and he always finishes up with a smile! What a happy little man!
The allergist has asked me to try one type of food at a time for a full week each and to keep a diary of these little baby steps. This means no mixing foods or trying to sweeten up rice cereal with bananas or prunes, but instead trying one type of food at a time so that we can be confident which foods he may or may not be allergic to. How sad! So far we have tried rice, which he absolutely hates, and oatmeal. He seemed to like the oatmeal a little better yesterday, and today will be attempt #2. Addie never liked the rice cereal either. They seem to have similar tastes! Tim and I are hoping the solids will fill up his little tummy more and maybe he will sleep more at night????
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Our 1st Movie Night!
Let the fun begin...
Addie and I watched "Beauty and the Beast" this past Saturday night together. She is just starting to get that age where we can enjoy things like that. Actually, her attention span only lasted about 30 minutes, but we still enjoyed this special time together. Her Daddy popped us popcorn and made bagel bites for us and sat with Hayes while we enjoyed the movie. She is really starting to like princesses now, so "Belle" is now her favorite! I am so enjoying being a mommy.....
Monday, February 22, 2010
Atleast we know...right?
Today I learned that my little man has more in common with his big sister than I originally had thought. He too is going to struggle with food allergies. He is highly allergic to peanuts, milk, and eggs, just like Addie. I filled another prescription for one of those dreadful epipens today, and I wasn't smiling while I did it. I have actually been feeling quite sorry for myself and sorry for my babies today when I know that I should instead be counting my blessings and feeling thankful that we are finally starting to get some answers.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
What happened?
This cute little boy used to be such a good sleeper. I think he gave me 8 hours in a row right around 12 weeks old. It was such a blessing.

He has not been sleeping well at night at all these days. He gets up several times a night and wants to eat. I am pretty sure he is really uncomfortable and wakes up itching a lot too. Last night he got out of his little swaddle and pulled the socks off of his hands. By the time I heard him screaming, he had scraped up his head and his little hands were a bloody mess! You should see his little head today. It looks like he made a kitty cat really angry! Poor little guy! His sleeping habits have made me a pretty tired mommy these days, and this cold I am fighting just seems to linger without much rest to help it go away! I am very eager to start Hayes on some solids as soon as I get the go ahead from the allergist. I think this may help with the nighttime hunger. He is almost 15 1/2 lbs you know- a growing boy! He wants some food, and I want some sleep!
He has not been sleeping well at night at all these days. He gets up several times a night and wants to eat. I am pretty sure he is really uncomfortable and wakes up itching a lot too. Last night he got out of his little swaddle and pulled the socks off of his hands. By the time I heard him screaming, he had scraped up his head and his little hands were a bloody mess! You should see his little head today. It looks like he made a kitty cat really angry! Poor little guy! His sleeping habits have made me a pretty tired mommy these days, and this cold I am fighting just seems to linger without much rest to help it go away! I am very eager to start Hayes on some solids as soon as I get the go ahead from the allergist. I think this may help with the nighttime hunger. He is almost 15 1/2 lbs you know- a growing boy! He wants some food, and I want some sleep!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Stayin' warm!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Love is...
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Hayes goes to the Allergist today!
We are home now from our appointment. As usual, Hayes was such a trooper. The doctor is concerned that his eczema could be the result of either a milk allergy or an environmental allergen. However, because I gave him some benadryl on Tuesday when he was so miserable, we were unable to perform any skin tests until the antihistamine is completely out of his system-BOOOOOOOO! I knew that was going to be a problem, but still wanted to get into see someone to get the ball rollin'. We will go back in a week and a half to have the skin tests performed to determine if he has any allergies or if this eczema is purely a topical issue. Either way, he is getting some help. I can breathe a little easier now, and I don't feel so "alone". I am thankful that we were able to be seen and prayerful that he is on the road to becoming healthier!We'll keep you posted...Thanks for thinking of us!
(Oh...and thanks to Dan and Christen for the Seahawks gear! It's Tim's favorite jammies of course!)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Snowy day...Part II
Addie, the Diva, wouldn't want to get her little toes wet and cold from walking in the snow, so Daddy pulled her through the snow-covered streets in her little red wagon.

It didn't take long for Addie to warm up to being outside in the snow with Daddy. Unfortunately, snow angels and sledding were not on the top of her list of things to do. Bubbles, however, were exactly what she wanted to do on the first snow of the decade! Check out that cool beanie her Daddy let her borrow....Where is mommy when I need her?
Monday, February 8, 2010
While I was away...the SNOW came to play!
After waiting and wishing for several years to have my very own snow storm here in our hometown, wouldn't ya know it came the weekend I made my getaway to New York. That's okay....Tim took plenty of pictures for me and it seems as if I didn't miss too terribly much since Addie wasn't all that impressed. We got quite a bit of snow here that weekend too. Then it snowed again Saturday night and is suppose to snow again this Tuesday night.....YUCK! It is very pretty, but we are ready to enjoy some warm weather around here.
She's not too sure what to think about all this...
Saturday, February 6, 2010
"Just Like Me" Doll
I bought Addie a "Just Like Me" doll last week while on my trip. I was going to put it up and give it to her on her birthday this summer, but I just couldn't help myself. So, the spoiled, often "bratty" little girl, got her doll immediately apon my arrival. She loves it...for now.
(Grandma sent this "butterfly" outfit to Addie at Christmastime, and she loves it too!)
Notice the doll is also posing on "Henry" the horse too ( I tried very hard to get her to name the horse Nelly-after my bouncing horse I had when I was her age, but no...she liked "Henry"). Sorry...I digress... I am ashamed to admit how long I had to save my money to purchase this doll at the American Girl Store in New York last week. She currently has exactly 12 dolls in her bed beside her that "sleep" with her each night, and most of those beloved dolls cost approximately a quarter each at a yard sale. She doesn't know the difference...but I do...and I am constantly picking this doll, whom she so lovingly named "Jaima" up off the floor and brushing her ratty hair to keep her looking pretty and new! I know...I'm crazy!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Last night I attended my first meeting/lecture for the "Food Allergy Support Group of Tidewater". The lecture was given by a doctor from the National Jewish Hospital that specializes in Asthma and Allergies in Denver. She knows her stuff! I learned a lot of big terms and was a little overwhelmed at all that is involved in an allergic response that takes place in the body. If my daily baths, hourly rub-downs with one cream or another, weekly visits to the dermatologist, and countless tears and anxiety over Hayes' eczema are not making a difference, then atleast I can become more educated on what is actually happening in his little body. That way, when one of his doctors explains his prognosis or develops a new regimen for treatment, I will know what they are talking about and will be on top of the situation instead of trying to dig myself out of a pile of medical terms that seem like a foreign language to a stay-at-home mommy or former high school teacher.
Don't worry though.....Hayes is still my happy boy! He doesn't let it get him down.
His smiles make it all that much easier for me as he coos and giggles when I apply cream and ointments to his body. I melt when he looks up at me with his big goofy grin as I cover his little fists with his sister's socks.
He is truly one of the happiest souls I have ever encountered!
It was very comforting to be in a room with other parents who know exactly what it is like to deal with eczema and food allergies on a daily basis. It made me feel less alone. I walked away feeling blessed and thankful that my babies are healthy and happy. Parenting is not an easy job. It happens to be the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life...much harder than microbiology with Dr. Wayne Tinnell, much more difficult than working with an evil department head in a school filled with spoiled, hard-headed teenagers...I like to say that parenting is one big judgement call after the other. I just pray that I am making the right calls and doing all that I can to help them. Hopefully, FASGOT will help me to be a better mommy when it comes to their allergies. I am thankful to have found this group of special people.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Donut anyone?
I love spending time with my family - it truly is one of my favorite things to do!
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