Monday, August 3, 2009

Camera to be returned soon....promise!

I walked into Addie's room the morning of her 2nd birthday wearing an Elmo Birthday Hat....and she wanted it BAD! (Look at what a big girl she is! Her big girl bed is on its way!)

It was a long HOT weekend, and I am definitely beyond the "hey, I'm a cute, happy, pregnant lady" stage (if there ever was one). Nights are exhausting for me now and I can barely get myself to roll out of bed the 3 or 4 times each night for a bathroom visit! Baby Boy is moving around like crazy what seems like ALL the time and I just feel plain yucky! Poor Tim!
Saturday I locked my keys to the rental car inside the car at a yardsale at 8:30 AM. It was my third stop that morning, and I hadn't even found any treasures yet. Imagine me sitting on the curb beside my car in front of a yardsale....waiting for a ride....big...and swollen....and sweaty....and emotional! That should make you laugh! Thanks again to AAA for bailing us out of this one. Evidently, rental cars don't come with any spare keys!
Addie came down with a small fever yesterday afternoon. Poor baby! No other symptoms, just a slight fever and she was really tired and whiny! I have never seen her just lay on the couch and look so pitiful. Hopefully, she is feeling back to her old self again this morning! I'll keep you posted....and I promise to not lock HER in the car along with my keys!

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