A couple of weeks ago I had four close friends make the two-hour road trek down to spend a Saturday night with me. They said they were coming to celebrate baby boy and spoil the mommy-to-be, which they definitely managed to accomplish. First of all, just spending time with these women is a treat for me anymore. I used to live on the same sorority hall with these girls, and two of them were even my roomates for a couple of semesters at Longwood. That was over 9 years ago, and they all still remain very special to me and dear to my heart even though I don't get to visit with them as much as we used to.

This is Anna...We lived together for several semesters and have seen each other go through some tough times. She and I have always had a special bond. I am watching Anna's life take some fantastic turns as we speak, and it so reminds me of where I was 5 years ago when I met Tim.

This is my Shannon. She and I also lived together on the DZ hall for several semesters. We had way too much fun together and have many wild stories of times between us as college girls! I was in Shannon's wedding a few years back and now get to watch her be a super-mommy to her adorable little boy, Hayden. I am very lucky to have her in my life.

This is Theresa, probably one of the most fun girls I know, plus she is a fantastic mommy and teacher all at the same time. How does she do it? With a house full of boys (two little ones and a husband), she still knows how to have a good time and keep in touch with old friends. I always cherish the times we get together and ALWAYS end up laughing alot when she is around!

This is Jarah, the planner behind our social events and the glue that holds us all together. She never forgets a birthday or holiday with a cute little card and is also a barrel of laughs to be around. She knows how to make people feel special and wants to make sure every one is having a good time and feeling comfortable! I miss talking to her like we used to, but we always wind up picking up where we left off the last time!
The girls made sure Baby Boy was taken care of with plenty of diapers, wipes, blankets, and cute little onesies. They were way too good to us!

Baby boy will be a Redskins fan for sure! Thanks Anna!

I love you girls and I miss you all like crazy!