Last weekend, we managed to get organized enough to head out to the local ball field for a game along with some good friends...Kristy and Brian. Our friends Ben and Abby couldn't make it with their little one this time, but we'll catch them on the next go round! Here's Kristy and I with the very excited girls before we entered the park:

Addie and Lily actually surprised us by staying close by and sitting in their seats for most of the game. We just knew that we were going to be chasing them up and down the stadium, but luckily, there was plenty to look at where we were sitting. Addie loved sitting next to her Daddy and clapping with him when the team made good plays!

This was also the first night that Addie learned to drink from a water bottle all by herself. Water was everwhere, but she felt so proud! Can you believe how much they have both changed? Lily gets more precious each time I see her, and she LOVES me, which I happen to love!

Like mother, like daughter....Addie enjoyed her first funnel cake, and she even attempted to share a little bit with Lily. I was pretty sure there were eggs in that funnel cake, but since she was really only interested in the sweet powdery stuff on the top, I let her go for it! As long as there are no peanuts....we weren't too worried! Lily liked it too!

We all agreed that although the girls were well-behaved and seemed to really enjoy the outing, baseball games are a lot more fun when your a) not pregnant b) not chasing toddlers c) allowed to eat and drink whatever you want. Next time, we'll see if we can beg someone to keep the little ones. Tim and I really did enjoy ourselves so much. We have been going to Tides games for years now and just love it when we can get a group of friends together and head to the park!
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