Some of my favorite child-hood memories take place in that tiny coal-mining town in West Virginia where my grandparents lived. Addie finally got to take her first trip down there to see my Papaw while we were visiting over Thanksgiving. She, of course, made herself right at home and was a big show-off for all of our family. This is Addie getting a ride on Papaw's knee as he sings this old song to her. She loved it when she was teeny, tiny...

Since we will not travel for Christmas, Papaw gave Addie her Mickey and Minney Mouse early and she LOVED them, especially the pink one! She carried that thing all over the living room and it was just as big as she was....

Papaw also sent us home with a bed for Addie when she gets old enough to move out of her crib. It has a dollhouse for the headboard, and it is adorable. I am going to repaint it and get it all ready for her over the next year. She will love sleeping in this bed, I just know it! Today, Kristy and Lily are coming down for a visit and Addie and I are very excited. We haven't seen them in a few weeks and it seems as if so much growing takes place in that period of time! I will take lots of pictures.....
Oh...many of you have asked.....Sally, the dog, is not behaving herself in her new home. My Dad and Julie are doing all that they can, but she is not making it easy for them to fall in love with her. She has already scared off one of thier precious cats and that was only after she bruised him all up and sent him to the vet for some x-rays....I''m very worried and pray that she will settle down and get a long with the other animals. I have no idea where she will go if this doesn't work out.....Hopefully, Big Ed (the cat) will venture back home soon....
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