Saturday was Dave, my step-dad's birthday, and we celebrated yesterday because Addie and I were in Richmond all weekend. Dave, who happens to cook the best steak in the world, fixed his own birthday dinner for us all and we ate until we were absolutely stuffed! Addie loves her Grandpa Dave so much, especially when he throws her up in the air! Happy Birthday Dave...we love you!
After dinner, Addie stayed at their house while Tim and I got some cleaning done and ran some errands. Addie woke up several times in the middle of the night coughing terribly and even threw up a couple of times from it. Needlesstosay, we got about 4 hours of sleep around here and we were up early headed to the doctor's office for the third time in 2 weeks. Addie has been wheezing some here lately and we were given an inhaler to use, but had such a difficult time getting her to let us use it on her...so, today, finally, the doctors heard her wheezing for themselves and ended up giving her a breathing treatment right then and there. It was so sad and she was so scared, but it did seem to help. We have a nebulizer (breathing treatment machine) coming here today and she will be getting a treatment every 5 hours for the next two days and on a steroid for the next four. So, yes, like every other child out there right now, she has a little cold. Hers just happens to have moved into her chest because of the asthma issues anyways. I am exhausted and so worried for her and just wish we could get healthy and stay that way for a little while. I HATE ALLERGIES! Please keep her in your prayers.
Also pray for Tim's grandfather, Pop, who is not doing well. We are all very worried and hope that he gets to feeling better soon!
I will try to post some pictures from our trip here soon, when things calm down and I get this last paper written for my class...
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