A year ago today we were waiting on our little blessing.....I wasn't due according to the doctors until the 23rd of July, but we knew it would happen sooner. I was so BIG and so uncomfortable this time last year. I remember laying for hours on our couch and whining and crying ALOT because I was exhausted from not sleeping well and not being comfortable ever! We were more than ready, or so we thought............I even had diapers and wipes all layed out in various stations I had set up around the house. Her room and her closet were ready and stocked, and I just knew I was days away from having a cute, sweet, sleeping baby in the cradle in our room. Ha ha!! Little did I know how unprepared we really were, and how wrong we were about thinking we were ready!

Tim worked very hard at putting that crib and changing table together one Saturday morning. I think we had the crib up and ready to go in January!
Jaime, my close friend from college, and I were pregnant and in Shanna's wedding together. Thank goodness I had a friend to wear that big dress with and waddle down the aisle! It was a good time!
As I have said before, Kristy and I were blessed to go through this together and we have enjoyed getting to know Lily and sharing special times with the Maynor family!

This was right around 6 months....so right around March or so.....still had 4 months of weight to gain! YIKES!

AND finally, me right around 9 months! I gained 38 lbs total, but I look so much bigger than that! Her room was ready and waiting......Little did we know that we would have her in our arms in just two days.....
I absolutely loved your post today. It brought tears to my eyes - just remembering the joy and the worry. After having Addie in my life for the pastyear,I now know that all the worry was definitely worth it. God has blessed me with two wonderful girls. I can't believe it has been a year already!!!!
I agree with Mamaw... such a sweet post (and soooo true, the part about not being ready even though you REALLY thought you were, lol).
Carrie, you were the cutest-ever pregnant woman, so HUSH about the weight gain already! ;)
This is one of my favorite posts too!! It just brought back so many great memories and feelings of this time last year!! We really had no idea what was ahead of us but it has been amazing to be able to share it with you!!
Your post was such a wonderful idea! I can't believe Addies and Lily are almost one! MAN!! Time sure does fly, but it does seem like a long time ago that you and Kristy were pregnant (and me for that matter)!
Keep up the good work! And stay tuned on the Van Tine blog...I'm working on a blog header! (I'm jealous!) :)
PS. My baby is available on loan...not for sale!!! :) hehe
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