Tuesday, July 29, 2008
We are sad today.......
I love you Mom, and I can promise you that God wouldn't have let us make a bad decision today. We did the unselfish thing and he is much better off chasing mice up in heaven with Boo Boo. Please know that its ok to be sad. Addie and I will make you smile again!
Some favorites with the men.....
Monday, July 28, 2008
A year ago today.....(almost)

Saturday, July 26, 2008
Here are a few pictures taken the last few nights.....

Very busy weekend for the Hewitts....
Friday, July 25, 2008
So far so good.....
For those of you who pray, please keep my Uncle Robert in your prayers these next few days. He is in Tennessee this morning in intensive care. They believe he was having a heart attack or perhaps has a blood clot in his heart, so he will be having surgery sometime today. My aunt and my cousin are terribly worried about him as we all are.....so keep them in your thoughts.
I only have three words to say......
I will post more tomorrow morning. Don't worry, we are all ok, but I think little girl must have eaten too much ice cream or perhaps is feeling rotten from her shots! Let's just say my Mom is coming over first thing in the morning with her steam cleaner in tow! Thanks Mom.........
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Beach Day.....

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Doctor Update.....
Good morning everyone.......

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Getting big.......

Monday, July 21, 2008
Birthday Story Final Chapter

Addie loved the cake and was really excited to see another one of those yummy messy things coming towards her.....
She dug right in and once again ignored the actual cake part and enjoyed all of that icing!
She got lots of fun gifts from everyone including a whole closet of 18 months clothes from Ga Ga and Pop Pop.....a neat little chair with her name on it from Mamaw (I'll post a picture of that soon).....some books, a sock monkey from her best friend, Lily, some alphabet letters for the fridge, some fun flash cards to learn words, a battery operated four wheeler for her size from her cousins Skylar and Lakyne...some onesies for the winter from the Kellum's....two savings bonds from Grandpa Rick and Grandma Julie and Mamaw and Dave.....some money for her account from the Lockharts, Pop, the Hartman's, and the Kellum Family...and even a star named after her! She is always well taken care of and so many people love her....how lucky she is and so blessed!
What a great party and many memories were made this week that we will cherish forever! Happy Birthday Big Girl.......I can't believe you are one year old! I love you!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Tag....I'm still it....I haven't forgotten......
1. I am a huge fanatic for murder mystery shows and loyally tivoe 48 Hours Mystery and Dateline episodes.......kind of gruesome I know, but for some reason I love a good mystery, especially one where they get the bad guy!
2. I wipe down my countertops with Lysol atleast 10 times in one day. Even water spots drive me crazy. I am not however, a neat freak. I just hate dirty countertops....but my car has not been cleaned in 3 years.
3. I have kept every single card I have ever been given since about middle school. Yeah....I know....wierd, but sometimes, I pull those boxes out and just read all of the little messages people have written me over the years. I am not a pack rat though....just love my cards.
4. I HATE call waiting......and though I am guilty of using it from time to time, think it is plain rude and obnoxious and really wish it didn't exist...
5. I love the Redskins.....although even after all these years don't really understand the game completely...but thoroughly enjoy football season and cheering on my team....even during the rotten season(s).
6. I have been to the caribbean several times and although I loved it each time, I have really always wanted to vacation in a cabin somewhere in the mountains when it was cold and snowy!
Ok......I know there are rules and I am suppose to link back to the person who tagged me and also link the names of the people I tag to their blogs, but guess what? I don't know how to do that.......Jaime, Kristy, and Heather B. ......you guys give it a shot...(Sorry....I had to tag someone!)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Birthday Story Chapter 2

Here she opens her first gift from Mommy and Daddy....."Counting Cookies"....she seemed to really like them too, but of course she loves any toy you put in front of her!
We have had a long day today, and I don't think I have felt this exhausted since the days she was getting up several times throughout the night......I have loads of pictures to share from our weekend with family and friends and of course, of the big ONE YEAR OLD!!!!!! She was such a good little girl with all of the excitement going on and has been sleeping so well for Mommy and Daddy!
Thank-you to all of our friends and family who came from near and far and shared this special day with us....and a special thanks to my Mom for all of her help and for making Addie's first birthday party a huge success!
I will post more tomorrow from the birthday party!
Friday, July 18, 2008
A Daddy's Love......Birthday Story Chapter 1

Around 11:00, the masterpiece has started to come together.......
And here it is folks.........12:30 AM and we have a MONKEY CAKE!!!!!!!!
And a Daddy who is very proud of his creation and the adorable little monkey girl asleep upstairs! Yes......he did have to work the next morning!
Don't ya just love him? The cake turned out so adorable and Addie loved it!!!
Happy Birthday little Claire....and Momma Emily too!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Happy 1st Birthday Addison Leigh! 7-17-07
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
She's almost here......a year ago today
Monday, July 14, 2008
Getting ready for Baby Addison.....
Jaime, my close friend from college, and I were pregnant and in Shanna's wedding together. Thank goodness I had a friend to wear that big dress with and waddle down the aisle! It was a good time!
As I have said before, Kristy and I were blessed to go through this together and we have enjoyed getting to know Lily and sharing special times with the Maynor family!
AND finally, me right around 9 months! I gained 38 lbs total, but I look so much bigger than that! Her room was ready and waiting......Little did we know that we would have her in our arms in just two days.....
Addie learns a new favorite game to play......

Maybe we have a little soccer player on our hands? Or atleast an above average kick ball player?
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Addie finally tries to stand up......even if it is leaning....It still counts!