WOW! The month of November just slipped away from me! I'm not sure what happened. We have been busy celebrating birthdays and preparing for the holidays around here. Addie is working on writing the alphabet at school and still struggling with a little separation anxiety. She is such a fast learner, and I must admit, it makes me melt when she tears up at the classroom door because she says she is going to miss me! How will I ever put her on the school bus next year? YIKES!

We finally got a "real" hair cut this month....5 whole inches of hair came off, and she looks adorable with her new "do"!

Hayes is still the sweetest little man I ever knew. He tells me that he is "mommy's baby" when he wants an extra snack or doesn't want to nap :) That makes me melt too! He is still having a hard time with his skin and not sleeping extremely well at night. He has become his Daddy's nightly bed buddy around 2:00 am. Tim hasn't complained yet!

Their Mamaw bought them these fun hats for the winter. Hayes wears his and roars at strangers as they pass by us, and Addie just thinks she is the cutest little thing in her Hello Kitty hat!

I love the holidays with my babies. I hope they always have fun memories from these times.