Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Another day...
I caught Addie ironing a coffee cup from her play kitchen. I had to teach her that ironing boards are for clothes. I guess I haven't done much of that since I quit work. Am I always a wrinkled mess? Please tell me.

Hayes has discovered a new trick. He loves to grab hold of Addie's new toys and head over to the steps. Perhaps its the clunk sound they make as they hit the floor below, or maybe it's Addie's high-pitched squeal as she watches yet another doll shoe take the plunge....
Saturday, July 24, 2010
More birthday fun...
She can't eat the cake, but she sure loves the icing!

I have many more pictures from the party to share. I promise to post some more later on in the week. Tomorrow we are headed to Duck, NC for a couple of nights. It's our mini-get-away. I am looking forward to the change in scenery. Hayes is feeling much better since he has been able to take his medicine, and today was the first time I really heard him say "Ma Ma"! I smile from ear to ear every time!
Addie and Baby Jenna (Kristy and Brian's second little girl...Lily's baby sister)....
Thursday, July 22, 2010
What a bummer!
Hayes, my mom, and I were at CHKD yesterday from 8:30 until 4:00. It was a long day. Hayes was a real trooper. He was participating in the Soy Challenge. Unfortunately, after he had drank the required amount of soy formula and seemed to be doing well, he vomited two times and the Doc decided that he had failed. Since we have been home, he has had two bouts of vomiting too, so I am becoming more and more convinced that the soy must be the culprit. End result- avoid all soy for atleast a year and then try it all again next summer! What a bummer! The worst part was the whole week leading up to the challenge and how miserable he got being off of his medicine. I hate that I will have to put him through that again. However, when you put it all in perspective, I am so grateful he is otherwise happy and healthy. We can handle a few food allergies anyway...heck, we have become experts!
Oh, and the adorable girl Hayes has his arms around in the picture...she is a former student of mine from my first year at GB. We have kept in touch and probably always will. She is very special to me. And isn't she beautiful?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Addie turns 3!
Addie had a "Princess Party" this weekend. And although I only invited a few close friends and family, it was rather hoppin'! Our house was full and there was tons of delicious food. I believe a good time was had by all. She warmed up rather quickly to all of the "madness" and was off playing with her little friends in no time! This is the cake that Tim and I are obesessed with. She can't even eat it, since it is made with egg, but we still splurge for it anyways. I made Addie some allergen-free cupcakes this year, thanks to Patty!
Despite her funny face, she liked those cupcakes...well, atleast the icing!

It was a HOT day, but we still managed to play outside on her new swingset her Mamaw and Grandpa Dave got for her. He and Daddy and our neighbor spent hours and hours and hours putting that thing together this past week. She LOVES it!
By far, her favorite gift, besides the swing set, Candyland, her vaccum cleaner, some "pwetty clothes" she got, some fun stamps, and her new princess books and movie, was this little princess camping chair her Daddy found for her. She sits in it and watches cartoons now in the morning and asks that I put her water in the little cup holder.

Addie has never really hurt for toys or books or clothes, not only because her grandparents spoil her rotten, but also because I am not picky about yard sale things. Her grandmother and I love to yardsale, and you can get some pretty good deals at those things around here. Needlesstosay, we have lots of toys here in the Hewitt household and dressers full of adorable clothes. And of course, Mamaw's obsession with Baby Gap and Gymboree is fun too! I digress. The aftermath of the party was no different. She was spoiled rotten by friends and family. It took me days to go through everything and put it away. Since we have been stuck in the house with sick Hayes this week, the new puzzles and games and movies have been a huge help. Thanks to our awesome family and friends. Can you believe she is three already?
Monday, July 19, 2010
Our sick little guy...
Our normally very happy little man has been having a tough few days. He will be participating in a soy challenge at Children's Hospital of the Kings Daughters this week, so we had to take him off of his antihistamine last Sunday. He was up to three doses per day before that, so it comes as no surprise that his allergies would flare up uncontrollably about three days after we stopped the medication. The challenge will help us to decide whether or not he can drink soy milk when he no longer has the formula. They will actually feed him soy milk in small quantities and watch his body's reaction there in the hospital. We are very anxious to get this over with. Wednesday will be a tough morning for us. We are expected to be at the hospital from 8:30-3:00. Please say a little prayer for us. 

These pictures were taken on Friday, the day he was feeling the worst. I took him to the doctor's office that morning since his fever was so high, and we found out the allergies had led to a double ear infection. Poor little guy. He was just miserable.
Tim and Hayes watch a little ESPN (or was it Blue's Clues) Saturday morning. Hayes was having a hard time keeping his bottles down since he had so much mucous on his little tummy hence the towel draped over the both of them.
He is starting to feel better. I think the antibiotics are helping his ears and the cough seems to be subsiding. The itching is still waking him up at night and seems to really bother him in the afternoons and in the heat. We will pretty much hole up here inside until after the tests on Wednesday. Then we can put him back on his medicine and he will really start to feel better. He is still a happy boy...even with infected ears, a high fever, a tummy ache, and the itchies...I couldn't love him any more!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
You know your birthday party was a success when...
...the birthday girl conks out before 6:00!
Boy oh boy, do I have some pictures to share with you. As soon as I finish going through and putting away this mountain of toys the little girl was given, I'll share some with ya'll! And you will be happy to camera survived the entire party, without bubble wrap!
Thank you so much to family and friends who helped make today so special. Addie is so lucky to be loved by so many. We love you too!
Happy 3rd Birthday Addison!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Speed Bump
How do you like that head full of blonde hair? He's my happy boy.
And yet, more proof, for those who questioned the birthday card...this is just how she smiles these days!
When you have to run errands and get your "to-do list" done with two little children under foot, you plan meticuously. My week was just that...all planned out. Until we hit a few speed bumps. Addie decided to rebel. She's become quite the two-year old terror these days. Hayes got a mysterious fever and now a weird cough. And yes, I slipped on a plate of sliced apples on the deck and broke the brand new camera we just got. (For those that are is the 4th camera I have ruined in 3 years :( I must be cursed.)
So, with a new camera on hand, the little man's fever under control, and my little monster sweetly tucked in at her Mamaw's house, I am hoping for a productive morning. I will be ready for our little birthday party tomorrow...I will.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Ground Hog Day
Every day about 6:15 on the dot, Hayes and I settle in upstairs in the playroom for our morning bottle and coffee. Can you see them on the little table beside my chair? This is our morning routine seven days a week. Tim is usually in the garage on the eliptical machine getting ready to shower and leave for work. Addie is still snoozing in her bed. We finish our "breakfast" and then head straight for a bath for the little man...every morning. The bath is followed by lots of vaseline and lotion to help with his itching and then some oatmeal and bananas downstairs while watching Dora. By this time, Addie has joined us for a pop-tart and an ice water. She is usually so happy to see her brother in the morning. This is how we start our day, every day.

Yes, it does seem like my days repeat themselves over and over again. And yes, you can pretty much figure out what I am doing each and every hour of the day since I do the same things every day at the same time. However, I wouldn't change a thing because I know that in the not too far off future, I won't have this time with my little ones. I won't be able to enjoy a nice cup of coffee with my little mama's boy on my lap drinking a bottle. Every once in a while he looks up at me, smiles, gets a little side-tracked and milk pours out all over his little chin and neck. This also happens every morning. It happens to be one of my favorite times of the day. Not too far from now, we will be rushing around to get dressed and ready for school. I will be taking them to be cared for by someone else so that I can finally get my career going again. And my morning coffee will not be coupled with some little boy lovin' and melt-your-heart smiles. So...Ground Hog Day is just fine for long as it wants to stick around.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
4th of July
My pictures are posted all out of order, but I decided to just go with it since it is taking me forever to upload them all. We finally ended our busy day at Dave's church down the road for some play time and fireworks.

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