Tuesday: Storytime at the library in the morning and sometimes a playdate afterwards with other mommies and kids who also go to enjoy storytime...
Wednesday: These days Tim has Wednesdays off, so we usually do something fun as a family...but when he does work, Addie and I go to lunch together ..(usually a cheap hot dog joint)
Thursday: Laundry day (YUCK!)...I like to get it over with before the weekend, so I start it on Thursdays and finish it up the next day. Addie likes to help!
Friday: Play date with other mommies and kids, sometimes here at our house and sometimes at a park or someone else's home

These pictures were taken at the library this past week where they did a sheep shearing event for local elementary schools. Another mommy and myself took the kids over to watch since the weather was goregeous and it was free! Addie liked the sheep a lot, but wasn't very happy when the man pulled a wrestling move on the poor thing to get it to the ground. She walks around saying "Uh oh sheep......down!". It really left an impression on her.