I made it back from my Dad and Julie's house in Florida safe and sound. The trip was extremely long, but my book on CD and the many calls I kept getting from wonderful friends checking up on me made the miles go by fast. It was nice to visit with family I hardly ever get to see and I wish I had a few more days to spend down there with them. Sally and the other dogs, Blue and Cody, seem to get a long quite well. They just accepted her into their home without any fuss at all and that eased my mind tremendously. Sally was amazed at how she could go in and out of the house all by herself and figured out those doggie doors within the first few minutes we were there. She loved running in all of those pastures and made me proud by not chasing the horses or tormenting the goats. She even left the cats alone. Unfortunately, she already chewed part of their screen door while we were out for an hour or so on Saturday....YIKES! I was horrified, but my Dad and Julie weren't upset at all, and MR. Fix-it Dad just said that he would take care of it! She slept with me in my little twin bed both nights, except for one night when I caught her in bed with my Uncle Ed while he was reading.....I think she may like him a little! Im glad he is there to help with the transition. OK......sorry to bore you all with my Sally stories....I have not had much else going on here so she has been on my mind day and night. I knew I would miss her, but I just didn't realize how quiet my house would be without her tagging a long. It is just a very sad situation for us. I am comforted so much by the fact that she is down there with them though, and so thankful that they are willing to give her a chance. I'll take some pictures of the little girl today and hopefully, have a happy post for tomorrow!