Anyways, I have given myself a deadline of this friday because hopefully Tim will have the three day weekend off and I do NOT want to spend time writing this bogus paper instead of hanging out with him and Addie. Needlesstosay, I have been super busy doing that today and this is the first chance I have gotten to post. This is another picture from our playdate the other day in her cute, cute dress. I will try and snap some photos tomorrow of the little munchkin! Wish me luck, and if anyone has a Personal Philosophy Paper out there they are willing to part with for cheap, let me know..................just kidding...I wouldn't dare!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Someone please tell me why I have decided to go back to school?
Anyways, I have given myself a deadline of this friday because hopefully Tim will have the three day weekend off and I do NOT want to spend time writing this bogus paper instead of hanging out with him and Addie. Needlesstosay, I have been super busy doing that today and this is the first chance I have gotten to post. This is another picture from our playdate the other day in her cute, cute dress. I will try and snap some photos tomorrow of the little munchkin! Wish me luck, and if anyone has a Personal Philosophy Paper out there they are willing to part with for cheap, let me know..................just kidding...I wouldn't dare!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The Hewitts get some company....
Here is Addie and Nathaniel visiting a little in the playroom yesterday morning! It was so good to see the babies and David andLeslie too!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Addie loves her Grandpa Dave.....
My class is horrificly BORING, and today I have to spend the entire day in that classroom wondering what Tim and Addie are doing while I listen to sleepy lectures about ancient educators! YUCK! Wish me luck folks......
Friday, June 27, 2008
Mommy playtime and Papaw kisses......
Yesterday afternoon we went to my Mom's house for a late Father's Day dinner (we were at a wedding that weekend). Addie loves to sit on Papaw's knee and listen to him sing some of his old songs for her! Now remember, she doesn't really go to anyone but us, so this is a pretty big deal. She will sit on his knee for quite a while, just listening and bouncing! She loves Papaw's (or Grandaddy to her) sweet kisses! Today I have class, so we have another Addie and Daddy weekend ahead of us...I know Tim is looking forward to it and I am just glad to get another one done. I have some more pictures from yesterday that I will post if Tim doesn't break out the camera!
By the way, the cute little dress was a gift from my cousin, Heather, the best dressed girl I know! Thanks Heather...she looked like a little "diva" today!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Anything little and furry please.......
This is Addie playing at her Mamaw's house the other day while I got some school work done. She strings toys all over that clean house by the time she is done!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Wake up Addie girl!
and boy was she less than thrilled! Check out this evil look she gave me as I tried to snap a picture of her sleepy face......
I'm guessing she get's that from me. Im not a happy camper when I first wake up either. Yikes....I much prefer the cute little grin I get when I see her first thing in the morning. This will be the last time we wake her up from a deep sleep......
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I LOVE it!
Erin, I love it! It means so much to me that you took the time to do it. I know you are busy, busy, busy these days. So, thank-you so much! I wish you lived closer to me. I miss you......Carrie
Surprise, Carrie! :)
I hope you like it, Carrie (and all of the Hewitt family's fans)... I had the cutest-ever subject to work with, of course!
Now I'll log off and leave your blog to YOU, I promise!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Good Morning little girl!

Although we are far, far away from any walking, or even standing up on our little legs, Addie has started to pull up to her knees in her crib! This is what I saw when I walked into her room this morning to get her ready for her breakfast! She is always so happy when she sees me come into her room!

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Just my opinion.......
Addie is feeling much better today and is napping up before we head to Elizabeth City for a birthday party this afternoon! I promise to start taking some more pictures and have some recent ones posted of the little monkey! She is changing so much these days!
Friday, June 20, 2008
More vacation memories.....
We didn't really get to enjoy the beach all that much, but we did manage to get a family picture taken while we were there. The pool was much more convenient and warm, so we headed back to our house shortly after this picture was taken.
I will never take for granted her health again, I promise! This was the last time she was actually healthy and happy, and I miss that so much these days. She isn't quite as grumpy as earlier in the week, but we are still fighting that cough and runny nose, and she isn't eating too well yet. As I write this, she is in her crib, fighting sleep, trying to reach for the monitor camera and pull it off the shelf! For some reason, her naps are getting shorter and shorter........geez, I will miss those when they are gone too!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Time just flies by so fast.......and before you know it...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
What a ham!!

Still under the weather......
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Updates on sick furry creatures and babies.....
Addie on the other hand, has the worst cough ever and her left ear (not the one that she is currently on antibiotics for because of an infection found last week) is a little "cloudy", whatever that means! The doctor gave me a new antibiotic to try and if I could get her to take it without gagging herself and throwing it up, then we might be healthy in the next week or so! Whew....what a week! I am feeling a bit overwhelmed lately....sick cat, sad Mom, sick baby, loads of school work, dirty house, and we have absolutely NO FOOD in our cabinets! If it weren't for the Hewitt's and the goodies they packed up for us the other night, we might be in even more trouble. The plan is, to have my Mom come sit with Addie for a half hour so that I can run to the grocery store.....but plans aren't really working lately, so we will see if I actually make it there. I will try my hardest to get a new picture of the little monkey for you today.....Wish me luck folks!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Wedding Weekend........

Friday, June 13, 2008
Casey Roo.......
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Today we will worry....and pray....for our little furry friend...
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
A few more Vacation pictures......
This was our beautiful home we stayed in for the week. It was about 300 yards from a beach access, but we never even used it. The pool was so warm and convienient with the babies that we pretty much stayed in it the whole week! There were five bedrooms which included 2 masters for the two couples and then both Lily and Addie got their own rooms to sleep in! It was also right down the road from all of she shops and the beautiful Corolla Lighthouse.
What a nice time we had! I am still missing it and wish we had just a few more days there.....Addie woke up this morning about an hour earlier than usual, shower for mommy yet, and we still have to babysit at Jazzercise this morning. Right now there is a 5 week old baby that I watch, and Addie does not like that very much. So, I am sure I will have my hands full with her this morning! She is starting to act like herself again, so I am thankful for that. Thanks for all your prayers!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Our sick little sad!
Monday, June 9, 2008
SURPRISE for the Mommies!
Thanks Brian and Tim! You guys are keepers! Love you babe!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Monkey girl finds a new favorite food.....
Here's to the end of a long day with lots of yummy snacks!
Dad, do you like her new hat? It reminded us of you guys down there........
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Something very interesting......
We think that God knew Addie needed some prayers and He made sure she got them. Its strange how He works sometimes.......thanks Aunt Pat and Uncle Bob for the prayers last night. Ironically enough, we needed them very much and we are all home safely and starting to feel better.