Friday, May 30, 2008
Getting ready for some fun in the sun!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Who is guilty?.....of course...its Sally!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Computers drive me crazy!
Monday, May 26, 2008
I'm getting better....slowly, but surely.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Crawling fun!
My mom reminded me this afternoon that I have not updated my blog today, so I figured I better get on that. Unfortunately, I never could get Mom's camera hooked up to our computer to download the very first crawling photos I took, so she will just have to get me the hard copies of those. We did however, get our camera thing straightened out thanks to Pop Pop and Ga Ga, Tim's parents! They had a camera just like our old one and they generously gave us theirs, which makes me really happy because now I don't even have to learn a new camera. It works just like my old one. Hopefully, I will take better care of this one! So, we do have some new pictures to share of our weekend. Yesterday, my friend, Jaime, and her little family came down for a visit. It was such a nice day. The girls played well with all of Addie's toys and we grownups got to socialize and eat some amazing food! Ainsley is a week older and already walking all over the place. Addie literally would just sit and watch Ainsley moving all around the room. It is so amazing how different they are since they are so close in age. We enjoyed them so much and wish that we could see them more often. Addie is moving around much more too. Tim and I thought it was so wierd to see her making her way into the kitchen from the den all by herself. She is finally getting it down! I am so proud and a little sad too....she really is not that little baby that I cradled in my arms not that long ago. She NEVER lets me cradle her now! I hope everyone is enjoying thieir holiday weekend. Tim was suppose to have off four days in a row, but a coworker got really sick and he took two days for him. We are sad he has to work, but know the extra money will be nice for our vacation coming up! I am going to try and get a little video on the camera of her crawling and then post it here for everyone to see. Jaime's husband, Clif, was nice enough to show me how to do that this morning! So, be on the lookout for her first blog video debut!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Some crawling fun......
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Slowly feeling better......
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Poor little girl.......
Monday, May 19, 2008
Well, the camera has definitely died....
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Yippee.....Tim has fixed the camera...for now!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Daddy and Addie Day #1
Unfortunately, I dropped our camera on the concrete floors in my kitchen when I was juggling a baby, a diaper bag, and a set of keys. So.......there are probably not going to be any new photos for a while until we win the lottery and buy a new camera. Don't worry folks.....I have plenty of old favorites! ( Since I am currently posting in class on a laptop, I will have to add pictures later!)
Friday, May 16, 2008
"Daddy and Addie Weekend....again!
Addie slept through the night last night, giving Tim and I a nice restful evening. Whoo Hoo! Tim is off golfing this morning and Addie and I are going to our first day on the "Job" together. I will be watching the nursery at a local Jazzercise place for a couple of hours each week. I get to take Addie along to play with the other kids (usually one or two at the most), and in turn, I get a small amount of cash each time, plus free membership at the gym. I am very excited about this new adventure. It gets Addie and I out of the house and around other children, and it gives me the opportunity to work on getting healthier and feeling better about myself in general. Hopefully, Addie will enjoy our little playdates each week! We'll let ya know how it goes! Happy Friday everyone!!!!!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Picnic Time!
Something new she is starting to do each night, is act like she is out for the night and go down in her crib for about an hour around 8:00. She looks and acts exhausted and she does snooze for some time, but usually, around 9:00, she wakes up and cries. Her Daddy goes in and gets her and puts her in our bed. We are usually winding down and watching our 9:00 show in bed at that time. She climbs in right in the middle of us and proceeds to entertain herself for the next hour, playing with the remote or her baby doll or her pacifier. She starts yawning and rubbing her eyes around 10:00, and then she goes back down in her crib for the rest of the night! Tim asked me last night if I thought she was teething and just needed comfort, or if she is starting to make it a habit of playing in our bed after a brief catnap? Who knows.....We don't really mind the new "game", as long as she sleeps in her own bed afterwards......She is just so darn sweet!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Last day of Music class.....
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mommy training......
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Tim and Carrie's "Date Night"......
Yesterday was a big day for us in the Hewitt household. It was Addie's first sleep over at her Mamaw's. Tim and I attended a wedding of a friend of mine here locally, and Addie went over to my mom and Dave's house around 3:00 yesterday afternoon. I must have called to check on her a billion times, but each time, mom would say that she was doing great! Around 9:30, I called and she was sound asleep in her little room, as scheduled! Of course, as soon as I woke up and realized I had no little voice in the back ground babbling away, I called to see how their night was.......and guess what? She hadn't made a peep all night! I guess Mamaw and Grandpa Dave just wore her out, because she slept the whole night and woke up happy! Tim and I had a really nice time out together. It was nice to get dressed up and have something to do, somewhere to be (we don't get out much anymore). Tim looked handsome as ever and I, of course, enjoyed the food! I could spend a little quiet time this morning, maybe even get my house cleaned without a little girl at my feet, but......Its Mother's Day......and I miss her........and I'll just clean later! Off to Mamaws!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Happy Mother's Day....from Addie.....
Thursday, May 8, 2008
One step closer to crawling.....maybe?
We have spent most of this rainy day playing with all of her toys and practicing our crawling technique. This is where mommy gets on all fours and proceeds to crawl around the playroom floor trying to get Addie's attention, hoping to spark some curiosity and get her to attempt to copy me. No such luck yet. She is finally quietly sleeping in her crib. I wish I had a crib and a lullaby song to swish me off to sleep!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
The Addie and Lily and PlayDate.....

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Addie loves her new pool......
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Whew....what a weekend!
Just before we ventured off to bed, Tim comes downstairs with this unusual looking "thing" in his hand. It looked like a speckled rock of some sort and that is exactly what I cast it off to be, until Tim said it was " a raisenette".....YUCK! Apon closer examination......I see small grooves where it looked like legs once were. OOOOOOOH....."Where did you find this?" I screamed at Tim. He came apon our little "specimen" in the hallway, under the thermostat on his way back from putting Addie in bed. I had Tim stuff "it" in a ziploc bag and seal the bag immediately. And guess what happened next? Its legs came out of those grooves and it started creeping around inside the bag. I get sick to my stomach thinking about nasty! I immediately began searching the computer and I think I may have discovered what this thing is.........a carpet beetle! The computer websites say they are very common in museums feeding on the preserved specimens! AHHHHHHHH.....and that they lay 300 eggs at a time!!!!!!!! Are there more in my house? What if I can't see the eggs and they are brooding in my hallway floor? Does anyone know anything about these things? I started itching at that moment and I havent stopped since......and do you want to know what Tim had to say about our little friend? "Maybe you should vaccum the hallway tomorrow when you get a chance?"
By the way, Tim doesn't think I should blog about this topic....."People will think we have bugs in our house". For those of you who know me well, I will not cohabitate with bugs! As you can imagine, I am not letting our little friend go without a fight........
UPDATE: So, come to find out, from a wise neighbor across the street......our little creepy crawly friend is not a carpet beetle after all. Turns out, he is a very full, very fat, ........tick!!!!! I am still so amazed, I don't even know what to say. This thing is as big and round as my thumbnail. He must have been sucking on my poor dog day and night for months! Although, I am glad that my house is not infested with thousands of carpet beetle larvae, I am a little concerned for my poor dog, who by the way will be receiving a flea and tick treatment tomorrow!
Friday, May 2, 2008
"Daddy and Addie Weekend!!!"
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Let's just skip crawling altogether.....
It's a wobbly stand, but I still count it!
Ok, so I have decided that it will be alright if Addie just goes straight to walking! We won't even bother with the whole crawling thing. Maybe she just doesn't need the extra practice before actual walking begins! Yesterday her Mamaw (by the way, that is my mom, Judy) had her leaning up against this little table toy and she stood there for quite some time. I haven't been able to get her to straighten her legs out and put any pressure on them, so we were quite impressed with this new milestone. Don't worry, I'm not trying to rush her, but I just want her to be on target with certain tasks she should or shoudn't be doing at this age. Another thing I am worried about, is her eating habits. Little Ainsley, Jaime and Clif's baby (some friends of mine), loves real food! She is a huge fan of baked potatoes and eats really, really well. Even little Lily seems to be better at eating than Addie. All she wants is Mac N Cheese baby food and occasionally some sweet potatoes. Please don't let her eat like her Daddy! I want her to take after me and eat EVERYTHING!